Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Mass Moments

Are you a history buff, or do you enjoy learning bits of trivia about Massachusetts? This may be the site for you.

Mass Moments is an electronic almanac of Massachusetts history: 365 60-second radio spots, that will be broadcast daily on radio stations across the state, and a companion website, The spots are engaging and varied, with stories from every part of the state and every period of our history.

Some "moments" are nationally significant (the first wireless message, the Boston Marathon, the introduction of frozen foods), while others are more local (first Jordan Marsh store, "Tent City" demonstration, Great Flood of 1936). The website has the text and audio of the radio script as well as a background essay with more information on the event or individual featured in that day's spot; also a sample of the kind of primary source material used in the research, recommended links.

A bulletin board will allow users to contribute comments and questions and to engage in discussion with others.The site is searchable by topic, date, and region. Right now there is limited searchable content, but it will be growing day by day. It's easy to "subscribe" to Mass Moments. (Just click on "Subscribe to eMoments.") Once you do, the day's story automatically comes to your e mail address.

Mass Moments is sponsored by the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Museum Passes Winter 2005

The library has museum passes available for use by holders of C/W MARS library cards. Each pass must be picked up and returned on the day it is borrowed. Reservations can be made in advance by calling the Children's Room. One pass may be borrowed at a time.

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art: Pass is good for up to two adults and four children. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10 - 4 and Sunday 12 - 4.

Historic Deerfield: Pass is good for 4 people. The library has 2 passes available. Winter hours in effect January 3 - April 1, 2005. The Flynt Center of Early New England Life is open weekends 9:30 - 4:30. Museum houses are closed. The Museum houses and the Flynt Center will be open daily 9:30 - 4:30 from April 2, 2005 - January 1, 2006.

Children's Museum at Holyoke: Pass is good for 6 guests. Children under 18 months are always free. Hours are Tuesday - Saturday from 9:30 - 4:30 and Sunday noon - 5:00. The pass is not good for special events, workshops, or performance fees.

Springfield Museums on the Quadrangle: Pass entitles the bearer for free admission (maximun of $20 per day/usage) to the four museums -- Springfield Science Museum, George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, Connecticut Valley Historical Museum, Museum of Fine Arts. Call (413) 268-6800 for current hours and exhibits.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Updates on the Web Site!

Check out our new links on the Online Resources page, including a new section for Education/Financial Aid. We've also added a new writing link on the Teen Space page, and the winners of the 2004 Poet's Seat Poetry Contest now have their poems up on the Poetry Seat Poetry Contest Winners page.

Enjoy the new stuff, and let us know what else you think we should have. We love your suggestions and comments.