Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Winning Poems

The winning poems from the Poet's Seat Poetry contest are now up on our site! Click, read, and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Book sale!

Come one, come all to the GPL for the Friends' semi-annual book sale!

The sale starts Thursday, May 17th at 5:00. Yes, the Preview is back! The Preview is for Friends only and ends promptly at 7:30; you still have time to join or you can join at the door! Be sure to use the library's back door for the sale.

The book sale itself will be Friday from , May 18 from 10 - 5 and Saturday, May 19 from 10 - 2.

Support the Friends and all they do for the library by buying a book! Buy a lot of books! They need the room.

Georgetown (Washington DC) library destroyed by fire

On May 5, Scott Simon of National Public radio did a piece on the Georgetown library that was destroyed in a construction accident. If you missed it the first time, here it is in its entirety. It defintely is food for thought.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Library Stories

Libraries open doors for many people, and everyone has a different story to tell about how the library has changed their life for the better.

The GPL is interested in hearing your stories and sharing them on our blog. Send us an IM or an email with your library story. We look forward to reading them.


Want to know what happens to your recyclables once they leave the curb? Come to GPL for a Trash Bash!

Trash Bash is an evening of fun and games that teaches us all about recycling and trash. You can make trashy inventions, make a landfill snack, think outside the bag and identify buried trash from the library's mini-landfill (you get to dig it up!), and learn about squrimy worms!

Join in the fun on Friday, May 11 from 6:30 - 8:00.

Library Trustee Openings

The Board of Library Trustees is seeking interested candidates to fill two trustee seats. The 7 board members are appointed by the Mayor and charged with setting library policies, overseeing the expenditure of funds, and providing an essential link between the library and the community it serves.

Key qualifications include residence in Greenfield, a genuine interest in library services, and a willingness to be an advocate for this unique institution. The board holds monthly evening meetings; members are also expected to represent the library at other meetings and events at various times during the year.

Interested persons are encouraged to send a letter that includes the reasons for their interest in serving on the Board and information about specific qualifications or areas of expertise to: Board of Trustees, Greenfield Public Library, 402 Main Street, Greenfield, MA 01301. You may ask to speak to Library Director Dianne Ryan for more information.