Thursday, April 28, 2005

Attention Teen Graphic Novel Fans

Robin Brenner, a librarian at the Cary Memorial Library in Lexington (MA), wants to hear from teen readers of Graphic Novels! She has posted a survey at her website, No Flying, No Tights (a great site about all types of GNs!) and is asking you to complete it.

Click on this link for the survey: Teen GN Survey.

Thanks for your participation.

Updates! Updates!

The Online Resources page now has a new section for RSS Feeds. If you've always wanted news, sports, business, or entertainment information sent to your computer or a website where you can pick up just what you select, check out this section. It's got podcasting sites, news, weather, sports, International information, and much more.

We've also added some additional links to the Health, Books & Reading, and Education sections of the page. We hope you like them.

Rape Agression Defense Program

The Youth Center of Greenfield and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office are teaming up to offer Rape Aggression Defense classes free of charge. The program begins on Thursday, April 28, 2005 from 5pm until 8pm. It runs for 5 consecutive Thursdays. Registrants must be female, ages 13 and older, and they must be able to make all 5 meetings.

It is recommended that ladies register in pairs so that they can have a familiar person to go through this experience with. It would be great to see mother/ daughter teams as well as friends, sisters, aunts/nieces, etc.

If you know anyone and/or you have young woman interested in learning these defensive skills please give the Teen Center a call as soon as possible at 775-0144 or by email at Space in the class is limited. We plan on offering the program approx 3 times a year so there will be more opportunities.

Bryan Smith

Youth Center Coordinator
City of Greenfield Massachusetts
20 Sanderson Street

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

RSS Feed

Do you RSS? If so, you can now receive automatic updates from the library's blog as they get posted!

At the bottom of the white box containing the blog archives, you can click on the XML button and start receiving your updates.

For those of you who don't RSS or don't know what it is... keep your eyes on our online resources page. RSS feed information and feed reader information will soon be appearing. Soon, you'll be able to get information on sports, books, and news that you choose delivered right to your computer.

Google Text Message Answers

Do you need to know where all the pizza places are in Greenfield? Do you know who wrote Heart of Darkness but just can't think of it at the moment? Got your cell phone handy? Here's a service for you.

Google SMS -- from the Google testing labs -- lets you text message a simple question (pizza.01301) to Google at 46645. Within seconds, you get an answer text messaged back to you. For more details, check out the Google SMS page.

Disclaimer: If you don't have text messaging included in your cell phone plan, you will be charged for each call you make to Google. Rates will depend on who your provider is, but it's nice to know a simple answer is just a few clicks away.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Swing into Spring!

Swing Into Spring Raffle!

Sammy K's has donated a golf bag and a set of clubs that the Friends are raffling off to a lucky winner. The clubs are a women's set but can be exchanged for a men's set if the winner wants. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. Ticket purchasing is self-serve and can be done at the table near the main circulation desk at the library. The drawing will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2005 during the "All About Kids" event. Thank you for your support of the Friends and the library!

Going Places @ Your Library, the 2005 Summer Reading Adventure

This year's summer reading program at Greenfield Public Library begins sign-up on Saturday, June 11.

Juvenile and young adult readers, and even participants as young as our "lap-sit" story hour group, will once again be invited to enjoy this annual program designed to keep kids and families coming to the library all through the summer. Our young readers will have places to go, in books and around our wonderful town.

For additional information about the program and Summer Reading Program events, check out our wepage at See you in the summer!

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Our Teen Space has a new name -- Teen Scene @ gpl. Many thanks to Andrew Macie for designing our new logo. We've updated the book list of Teen titles and are adding links to the page.

Check it out!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Anna L. and Slim. Posted by Hello