Want to be able to look back on what you’ve read or checked out in the past? Track your circulation history by maintaining an online “Reading List.” This option is strictly voluntary; if you don’t choose to maintain a Reading List, there will be no record of your borrowed items.
This list is confidential and is only accessible by you.
To start your Reading List, from the library’s website,
Click on "
Check Your Record"
Log-in or create an account
Click on “My Reading History”
Click on “CLICK HERE to turn on My Reading History”
After you opt in, any item that you check out will be included in your Reading List when you return it.
You can delete any item from this list by checking the box under the column “Mark” for the title you want to delete. Click “Delete Marked” or “Delete All” to remove all titles in your list. You can discontinue using the Reading History feature any time you choose. Before opting out, you must “Delete All” from your Reading History.
Enjoy your Reading History! If you have any questions, check with the Reference Librarians.