Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Balloons in the Children's Room Posted by Hello

Databases disappearing

As of June 30, 2004, the library will no longer have access to The Grove Dictionary of Art Online either at the library or at home. Our in-house subscription to Access Science will also be discontinued at that time. We had been receiving these databases with our C/W MARS membership, but they have been cut due to budgetary concerns.

Greenfield Libraries

Our list of online resources has expanded! We now have links to some of the other libraries in Greenfield, including Franklin Medical Center's Consumer Health Library and the Law Library at the Franklin County Courthouse.

Open Mic Coffeehouse

Do you write? Are you interested in hearing what others have written? If so, please join us at the library for a series of Open Mic Coffeehouses. Check out the link at the top of the post for additional information. We'll see you there.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Change in Hours

Due to budget cuts, the library is reducing the number of hours it is open. Beginning July 1, 2004, the library's new hours will be:

Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30 - 8:00
Thursday and Friday 9:30 - 5:00

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday the library will be closed.

Please note the library's Saturday hours (9:30 - 2:00) will start back up in September.

Patriot Act Speech

The USA Patriot Act is garnering many headlines at the moment. Greenfield Public Library Director Dianne Ryan gave a speech recently at the Annual Tribute to Archibald MacLeish, sponsored by the Friends of the Archibald MacLeish Collection at Greenfield Community College entitled Libraries and Democracy: Will They Endure? To read her speech, click on the link above.

Identity Theft Information

Branch Librarian Susan Hugus at the Munson Library in South Amherst has put together an Identity Theft Tip Sheet. It has tips on how you can protect your identity when you are out and about or online.

Business Resources at the Greenfield Public Library


772-1544 X13

MassBedrock, the Business Web portal for Massachusetts
The site for business and economic development in MA. It provides specialized on-line information resources related to doing business in MA and beyond for FREE! Investigate your market, your competitors, assistance programs for your business, your legal considerations, employment trends in your industry, and more. Identify professionals who will help you find and use the business information you need. Your one-stop-shop for Knowledge for Business! Note: Due to state budget cuts, this site is no longer being updated. The site will still be available to the public, but as information changes, the site will not be adjusted for the new information.

Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network
Springfield Enterprise Center
STCC Technology Park
One Federal Street
Springfield, MA 01105
Voice: 413-737-6712 Fax: 413-737-2312
Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Local Outreach Site: Franklin County Chamber of Commerce
The MSBDC Network brings together the support of the U.S. Small Business Administration, the MA Department of Economic Development, and the academic resources and expertise of a consortium of public and private universities led by the University of MA, Amherst. The Network offers free and confidential individual management counseling, information and referral, and low cost educational seminars and training. The MSBDC Network is staffed by professionals with extensive business experience and excellent educational backgrounds.

The Small Business Resource Guide CD-ROM
Found in our collection at: CD-ROM 336.2 Small 2001
What you need to know about taxes and other topics: easy to find Federal tax information; fill-in-the-blank tax forms; business and tax publications; important web-links; preparing a business plan; financing a business; and selecting a business structure. For a FREE copy call:
1-800-TAX-FORM 1-800-U-ASK-SBA
Or visit the IRS web site at:

Some of the "Subjects" that you may want to type in when searching our on-line catalog are the following:
Business, Business planning, Career development, Entrepreneurship,
Home-based business, Industrial management, Job hunting, Job satisfaction, Marketing-management, New business enterprises, Office management, Resumes employment, Self-employed,
Small business, Success in business, Women-owned business enterprises, Work.

Check the book stacks for Dewey #: 158, 331.25, 346.7, 650, or 658.

Some business related web sites are the following: (a search engine for business information)

Also, be sure to check out the InfoTrac Business Databases located at the Online Resources page on our website.


Do you need help using a mouse? Are you teaching someone to use a computer who is unfamiliar with using the mouse?

Try doing some Mouserobics!

Getting Rid of Junk Mail

How To Get Off Those Junk Mail, Email, Telemarketing, And Prescreened Credit Card Marketing Lists!

Here's how to put a dent in the endless flow of unwanted material from direct marketers, telemarketers, unsolicited commercial e-mailers and credit grantors.

The Direct Mail Association operates the Mail Preference Service which maintains a file of individuals who "do not want mail." Send your first and last name, complete street address, city, state and zip code on a postcard or in a letter - a separate card or letter for each person who receives mail at your address, including every version of that person's name as it appears on the junk mail to:

Mail Preference Service
PO Box 643
Carmel NY 10502

Your name will stay on the "do not mail" list for five years. If you move, you must register your new address with the Mail Preference Service.

The Direct Mail Association also maintains a Telephone Preference Service which allows you to opt out of national telemarketing lists. Send your first and last name, complete street address, city, state, zip code and telephone number including area code to:

Telephone Preference Service
PO Box 643
Carmel NY 10502

In about three months you should begin to notice fewer calls from national telemarketers. This applies to national lists only and is not likely to stop local telemarketers.

The Direct Mail Association also maintains an E-Mail Preference Service which collects email addresses of consumers who want to opt out of national email lists owned and operated by DMA member firms. You can submit three email addresses at a time online at:

To prevent your name from showing up on most prescreened credit marketing lists, call toll free: 800-353-0809 or 888-567-8688. This is a four-minute automated call. You must give your Social Security number, name and address. In a week or two you will receive a follow-up letter. You may also opt out for your minor children.

Registration will help to reduce the volume of junk you're getting from national marketing organizations. You will, however, continue to receive mail from non-DMA marketers, local merchants, professional and alumni associations, political candidates and mail addressed to "occupant." You must contact these senders directly.

The following companies also provide services that help you to stop unwanted mail. Send a note that says, "Please take my name off all marketing lists." Include your name, address, social security number, date of birth and a signature. You should see a reduction in unrequested mail in 60 -90 days.

Experian Consumer Opt Out
701 Experian Parkway
Allen TC 75013

Equifax Options
PO Box 740123
Atlanta GA 30374-0123

Trans Union LLC's Removal Option
PO Box 97328
Jackson MS 39288-7328

You can also register up to three phone numbers at a time with the Federal Do Not Call Registry or call or call toll-free, 1-888-382-1222 (TTY 1-866-290-4236), from the number you wish to register. Registration is free.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Do Not Call Program can be reached Call toll-free (866) 231-CALL (2255). This automated system is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or you may print out a registration form and mail it to the following address:

Massachusetts Do Not Call Program
c/o GovConnect
50 Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110

When writing, you must include your name, address, and phone number.

Note that when you fill out a new application, enter a sweepstakes or order something from a mail order catalog, you automatically "opt back in" and your junk mail will start up again in earnest!

It is unlikely you will ever stop all junk completely, but hopefully these measures will help you to at least keep most of it under control.


Contacting State Officials

State Elected Officials

Senator Stanley C. Rosenberg, Democrat:
Web Site:
Boston Office: State House Room 320 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-1532 Fax: (617) 722-1062
District Office: 1 Prince Street Northampton, MA 01060
Phone: (413) 584-1649 Phone: (413) 587-6259 Fax: (413) 582-0113

Representative Christopher J. Donelan, Democrat:
Web Site:
Boston Office: State House Room 437 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2000
District Office: 217 East Main Street Orange, MA 01364
Phone: (978) 544-2180 Fax: (978) 544-5169

Representative Stephen Kulik, Democrat:
Web Site:
Boston Office: State House Room 279 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2210 Fax: (617) 722-2821
District Office: 330 Montague City Road Suite 102 Turners Falls, MA 01376
Phone: (413) 772-2727 Phone: (978) 575-0223 Fax: (413) 773-1821

Representative Shaun P. Kelly, Republican:
Web Site:
Boston Office: State House Room 473-B Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2240 Fax: (617) 722-2837
District Office: 399 Main Street Suite 2E Dalton, MA 01226
Phone: (413) 684-5133 Fax: (413) 684-2070

Governor: His Excellency Mitt Romney, Republican
Web Site:
State House Room 360 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 725-4000

Senate Leadership:

Senate President: Robert E. Travaglini
State House Room 332 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-1500

Senate Majority Leader: Frederick E. Berry
State House Room 333 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-1410

Senate Minority Leader: Brian P. Lees
State House Room 308 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-1291

House Leadership:

Speaker of the House: Thomas M. Finneran
State House Room 356 Boston,MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2500

House Majority Leader: Salvatore F. DiMasi
State House Room 370 Boston,Ma 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2600

House Minority Leader: Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
State House Room 124 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2100

On Major Spending Proposals Write To:

The Hon. Therese Murray, Chair
Senate Committee on Ways and Means
State House Room 212 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-1481

The Hon. John H. Rogers, Chair
House Committee on Ways and Means
State House Room 243 Boston, MA 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2990

Communicating with Elected Officials

Tips On Telephoning Your Representatives:

Remember that telephone calls are often taken by a staff member, not the member of the Legislature. Ask to speak with the aide who handles the issue to which you wish to comment.
After identifying yourself, tell the aide you would like to leave a brief message, such as: "Please tell Senator/Representative (Name) that I support/oppose (S.___/H.R.8___)."
You will also want to state reasons for your support or opposition to the bill. Ask for your Senator's or Representative's position on the bill. You may also request a written response to your telephone call.

Tips On Writing Letters:

The letter is the most popular choice of communication with an elected official. If you decide to write a letter, this list of helpful suggestions will improve the effectiveness of the letter:
1. Your purpose for writing should be stated in the first paragraph of the letter. If your letter pertains to a specific piece of legislation, identify it accordingly, e.g., House bill: H. R. ____, Senate bill: S.____.
2. Be courteous, to the point, and include key information, using examples to support your position.
3. Address only one issue in each letter; and, if possible, keep the letter to one page.

Prepared by the Reference Staff, Greenfield Public Library 2003

Contacting Federal Officials

Commonwealth of MA Federal Elected Officials

Rep. John Olver, 7th term Democrat:
Web Site:
Washington Office: 1027 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515-2101
Phone: (202) 225-5335
Fax: (202) 226-1224
Main District Office: 78 Center St. Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone: (413) 442-0946
Fax: (413) 443-2792

Sen. Edward Kennedy, 8th term Democrat:
Web Site:
Washington Office: 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-2101
Phone: (202) 224-4543
Fax: (202) 224-2417
Main District Office: 2400 John F. Kennedy Fed. Bldg. Boston, MA 02203
Phone: (617) 565-3170
Fax: (617) 565-3183

Sen. John Kerry 4th term Democrat
Web Site:
Washington Office: 304 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-2102
Phone: (202) 224-2742
Fax: (202) 224-8525
Main District Office: One Bowdoin Sq. Boston, MA 02114
Phone: (617) 565-8519
Fax: (617) 248-3870

Communicating with Elected Officials

Tips On Telephoning Your Representatives:

To find your representative's phone number, you may call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202)224-3121 and ask for your Senator's and/or Representative's office.
Remember that telephone calls are often taken by a staff member, not the member of Congress. Ask to speak with the aide who handles the issue to which you wish to comment.
After identifying yourself, tell the aide you would like to leave a brief message, such as: "Please tell Senator/Representative (Name) that I support/oppose (S.___/H.R.8___)."
You will also want to state reasons for your support or opposition to the bill. Ask for your Senator's or Representative's position on the bill. You may also request a written response to your telephone call.

Tips On Writing Congress:

The letter is the most popular choice of communication with a congressional office. If you decide to write a letter, this list of helpful suggestions will improve the effectiveness of the letter:
1. Your purpose for writing should be stated in the first paragraph of the letter. If your letter pertains to a specific piece of legislation, identify it accordingly, e.g., House bill: H. R. ____, Senate bill: S.____.
2. Be courteous, to the point, and include key information, using examples to support your position.
3. Address only one issue in each letter; and, if possible, keep the letter to one page.

Addressing Correspondence:
To a Senator:
The Honorable (full name)
__(Rm.#)__(name of)Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator:

To a Representative:
The Honorable (full name)
__(Rm.#)__(name of)House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:

Note: When writing to the Chair of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, it is proper to address them as:
Dear Mr. Chairman or Madam Chairwoman:
or Dear Mr. Speaker:

Prepared by the Reference Staff, Greenfield Public Library 2003

Tax refund questions

Want to know the status of your Federal refund? If so, you can check at the IRS's Get Refund Status site. (Note: you will need your social security number, your filing status, and the exact amount of the refund you are expecting.)

Want to know where your state refund is? Try this section of the MA Department of Revenue. (Note: you will need your social security number, your filing status, and the exact amount of the refund you are expecting.)

Health Connections

Health Connections will tell you all about an ongoing collaboration between the Greenfield Public Library and Franklin Medical Center that started in February 2003. Since then, we have had information sessions on Cardiac Health, Diabetes, Women's Health, and most recently on Fad Diets and Healthy Eating. Watch our Programs and Events for upcoming events.

Changes on the site

In addition to our new blog, there are other changes to the library's website. Our newest page (still in process, but growing) is our Teen Space page. Thanks for the suggestions that have come in so far! Also, check out the magnetic poetry page; it's a lot of fun.

The Online Resources page now includes our list of great websites as well as the various state and regional databases you can access with your C/W MARS library card. New sites have been added and more will come in the future, so check it out!

Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome to the new home of What's New and Hot Topics. The library has set up this weblog (also known as a blog) to make it easier for our patrons to locate information from these sections. As information is added to the blog, older entries will be archived, so you can still search through them.

We hope you enjoy our foray into new technologies. Let us know!

The staff at the GPL